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Visit Yellowstone With Pets … And Keep The Whole Family Happy!

Yellowstone is one of the most visited national parks in America – and for good reason! But if you’re traveling with pets, exploring the park requires a little more creativity. Read on to make sure your entire family enjoys the trip!

People watching Old Faithful at Yellowstone National Park


You probably already know that people who travel with their pets are more likely to explore beyond the places frequented by most tourists. And that’s definitely the case when visiting Yellowstone! Of course, you’re going to see the popular sights. But, with the trails in the national park completely off-limits to pets, keeping your pup happy means finding places he can sniff, hike, splash, and enjoy with you.

Fortunately, you can do both! We’ve found some amazing pet friendly places to visit just beyond Yellowstone’s boundaries. So you and your dog can balance time in the park and time making fantastic memories together!

Pets In Yellowstone National Park

Most national parks place restrictions on pets, and Yellowstone is no exception. Pets in Yellowstone are not allowed more than 100 feet from a road, parking area, or campground. And when outside your vehicle, pets must remain in a crate, carrier, or on a leash no longer than six feet.

Normally I get a little ruffled when pet restrictions feel overbearing. But in this case, the reasoning is sound. The policies are there to protect you and your pet from the wildlife and geothermic dangers in the park. During our visit we saw four grizzlies, three wolves, several herds of buffalo and elk, and numerous springs and pools filled with water hot enough to kill.

The challenge, then, is finding the right balance between auto-touring in the park and pet friendly activities beyond Yellowstone’s borders. After all, your dog is going to want to burn off some energy and have some fun, too!

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Sniffing Around Yellowstone

Located primarily in the northwest corner of Wyoming, Yellowstone was established in 1872 as the world’s first national park. Encompassing 2.2 million acres, the park’s most striking feature is its varied landscape. There are mountains, canyons, lakes, geysers, forests, grasslands, waterfalls, hot springs, and rivers. Where else do you find this kind of diversity? No wonder the wildlife thrives here!

Yellowstone Park Map

Pet Friendly Perspective

If you have your heart set on hiking some of Yellowstone’s more than 950 miles of trails, make plans to board your pet for a few days. But for the majority of people who simply drive around the park and enjoy the overlooks, there’s a better answer!

Yellowstone has four entrances, making it easy to break the park up into segments. And just outside the park’s boundaries you’ll find the attractions are much more pet friendly!

EXPLORE MORE ⇒ Visiting Wyoming’s Bighorn National Forest And Medicine Wheel With Dogs

Pet dog in the Bighorn National Forest near Yellowstone National Park


A Trip Around Yellowstone With Pets

Day 1: Northeast Corner

Driving west from Cody, Wyoming, we started our Yellowstone visit at the east gate, in the midst of Yellowstone’s big mountains. Soon we were gazing across magnificent Yellowstone Lake. Sitting at an elevation of 7,700 feet, and with a depth of more than 400 feet, the lake seems to stretch on forever.

There are turnouts and parking areas along the shore where your pets can hop out of the car and admire the view. Depending on your timing, this would be an excellent spot for a picnic!

Heading north along the Yellowstone River we then traveled through the canyon area of the park.


We were even lucky enough to catch site of a mother Grizzly and her two cubs foraging near the road!

Grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

Though it’s not far according to the map, traveling around Yellowstone takes longer than you might imagine. With stops for photos, heavy tourist traffic, and our leisurely, wildlife-spotting pace, it took us several hours to drive this quarter of the park. So be sure to allow plenty of time in your schedule — you don’t want to feel rushed.

We exited the park’s north gate in the town of Gardiner and cruised up Hwy 89 toward Livingston where we camped for the night. After the chaos of the park, the drive was blissfully quiet and lovely as we skirted the river.

After a long day of driving, we were all happy to stretch our legs on the pet friendly walking trails we found at the campground. And the stargazing that night was top-notch!


Day 2:  Gardiner, Paradise Valley, Bozeman, and Hyalite Reservoir

Rather than heading right back into Yellowstone the next day, we explored the area north of the park. You and your pet could easily spend several days enjoying all the pet friendly things we found to do!

Gardiner and Jardine, Montana

Gardiner has the typical feel of a small, western town. It’s unpolished and friendly, with little pomp and a down-to-earth respect for the practical. The streets are lined with modest houses, the business owners go out of their way to be helpful, and the locals are more than happy to stop for a chat.

Though there are only a handful of restaurants in town, we found a couple with pet friendly outdoor seating!

Gardiner, MT
Yellowstone River in Gardiner, MT
Yellowstone Grill - Gardiner, MT


Another thing to note is that you don’t necessarily need to go deep in the forest to encounter wildlife. We met a small group of elk while walking around town!

Elk in Gardiner, MT
Elk in Gardiner, MT

For some more great views, follow the signs from Gardiner toward Jardine. It’s a short seven mile drive up the road, and well worth the time!

Jardine, MT
Jardine, MT
Jardine, MT


Paradise Valley

The Yellowstone River flows out the north border of the park, through the village of Gardiner, and up Paradise Valley toward the town of Livingston. This spectacular river valley, flanked by the Absaroka Range to the east and the Gallatin Range to the west, is one of the most idyllic places we’ve ever visited.

The pastures stretch for miles, the mountain peaks frame the view, and right through the middle of it all, the river tumbles along over perfectly worn stones.

Paradise Valley - Livingston, MT
Wyoming's Top Pet Friendly Attraction: Medicine Wheel |


There’s no shortage of things to do with your pets in the Paradise Valley. The Yellowstone is a world-class fly fishing river with many access points along it’s shores. Wildlife viewing is always exciting in this part of the country, with antelope, bighorn sheep, bison, elk, mule deer, and white-tailed deer often seen from the roads. Of course, one of our favorite activities is hiking with the dogs. And the Gallatin National Forest offers spectacular trails for both serious hikers and those who just enjoying a stroll in nature.

Stop in Gardiner or Livingston at one of the national forest offices for the latest trail conditions and recommendations for your skill level. One of the most popular trails in the area is Pine Creek Falls, a 5.1 mile out and back that originates at Pine Creek Campground on Pine Creek Road. It sounds spectacular, but we opted for the less popular 3.3-mile Suce Creek Trail off East River Road.

The trail was shady and quiet on a weekday. In fact, we only saw one other person during our hike! And we got a good look at some wildlife … a mother and baby moose were browsing near the trail. We gave them plenty of space, and they kept a close eye on us!

READ MORE ⇒ Hiking Safety: Encountering Wildlife on the Trail

Moose on Suce Creek Trail - Livingston, MT


After a nice hike, you might be happy to discover that Paradise Valley is home to several hot springs. The most popular is Chico Hot Springs, with its resort, day spa, and access to the natural hot springs-fed pool.

A day pass to the pool is $10 per adult and provides access from 8am to 11pm. If you’re looking for pet friendly accommodations, their brochure claims that they invented “dog friendly.” So your pup will likely look forward to the stay as much as you!


Bozeman is one of those cities we go back to over and over and always find something new. The lively main street has a nice selection of pet friendly shops and restaurant patios to choose from.

If you can arrange your schedule to be in Bozeman on a Saturday from June through September, don’t miss the dog friendly, farmer’s market. It’s a big affair with fresh fruits and veggies, handmade products by local artisans, and plenty of fodder to snack on while you browse the bounty.

Farmer's Market - Bozeman, MT
Farmer's Market - Bozeman, MT

Many of the vendor booths are located inside the pavilion, where pups can be carried. Those with larger dogs will find a decent number of booths outside. And taking turns looking around the pavilion while one of you waits with the dog is no hardship. There are food trucks where you can grab a snack and soak up some sun.

Farmer's Market - Bozeman, MT
Farmer's Market - Bozeman, MT


Hyalite Reservoir

If your dog likes splashing in the water, going for a paddle, hitting the trails, or having a picnic check out Hyalite Reservoir and Hyalite Creek Trail. Located just 12 miles south of Bozeman in the Gallatin National Forest, this 206-acre lake is a dog’s dream!

Hyalite Reservoir - Bozeman, MT
Hyalite Reservoir - Bozeman, MT
Hyalite Reservoir - Bozeman, MT


Day 3:  Pets in Yellowstone – Northwest Corner

On the third day of our trip, we headed back into Yellowstone to explore the northwest section of the park. Entering the north gate from Gardiner, we came almost immediately to Mammoth Hot Springs.

As we drove, we spotted three wolves making their way along a distant wood line. Although we didn’t get photos, it’s still my Yellowstone “best moment!”

Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

For obvious reasons, pets are not allowed around these attractions. But, after a long hike the day before, our dogs were content to spend most of the day riding. We took turns walking the boardwalks while the other person waited waited with the dogs.

After a day in this amazing landscape, alive with boiling mud and steaming streams, we drove out the west gate and spent the night in the little town of West Yellowstone.


Day 4:  West Yellowstone, Earthquake Lake, and Big Sky

Alternating days in and out of the park allows you to see more of the area with your pets. And the area west of Yellowstone offers some great hiking and sightseeing!

West Yellowstone, Montana

The town of West Yellowstone sits just outside the western gate of the national park and caters to the many tourists passing through. We were particularly excited to get back here to visit our friend, Chris at Morning Glory Coffee & Tea. Pets are welcome inside the coffee shop. So don’t leave your pooch on the sidewalk while you dash in to get a cup of freshly roasted coffee!

Morning Glory Coffee & Tea - West Yellowstone, MT


With your daily caffeine requirements met, swing by the Forest Service office for the latest on trail conditions, maps, and recommended hikes. West Yellowstone sits within the borders of the Gallatin National Forest and there are several trails you can pick up right in town.

The Boundary Trail runs nearly 5 miles along the national park border and is particularly pet friendly. Pets can be off-leash, as long as they respond to voice commands!

Buster Hiking Snow King in Jackson, WY

Keep in mind that, even though you’re in a well-populated area, wildlife encounters can happen. Bears, moose, elk, and other Yellowstone wildlife regularly roam into town, so it’s entirely conceivable that you could meet animals on the trail.

To avoid confrontations, it’s best to keep your pups leashed unless their recall is absolutely solid. Off-leash dogs can chase and harass wildlife, causing them undue stress and possible injury. And dogs can easily get lost or injured in the process.

Wherever you hike around Yellowstone, it’s also important to carry bear spray. And putting bear bells on your dog will help alert wildlife to their (and your) presence.

Gallatin River - West Yellowstone, MT


Earthquake Lake

Driving north from West Yellowstone takes you to a fascinating place, where geologic activity has forever transformed the landscape. On August 17, 1959, an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale triggered an 80-million ton landslide. The displaced earth dammed the Madison River and created what is now known as Earthquake Lake.

Driving by tranquil Hebgen Lake, you’d never guess that this was the site of such terror and devastation. During the earthquake, the shifting tectonic plates caused the lake bottom here to drop by 20 feet. That generated a huge wave that crashed over the top of the Hebgen’s dam and raced down the river valley.

Hebgen Lake - West Yellowstone, MT

Further downstream, the Madison River was completely choked off by the landslide, and the water was rising quickly. Many families were camping in the national forest near the slide area, and 28 people tragically lost their lives that night.

Earthquake Lake - West Yellowstone, MT


By morning the water had engulfed the campground. Just three weeks later, the lake had grown to five miles long and 190 feet deep. With the rapidly rising water threatening to burst through the landslide dam, a spillway was constructed, allowing the water to continue downstream.

But rivers do what rivers do. Since the spillway was constructed, the Madison has been eroding the opening. Now more water leaves the lake than enters, and the lake level is dropping. Like water from a bathtub, eventually the lake will disappear and the river valley will return.

Earthquake Lake - West Yellowstone, MT
Earthquake Lake - West Yellowstone, MT
Earthquake Lake - West Yellowstone, MT


Big Sky

Continuing north on Hwy 191 toward Big Sky takes you through Gallatin Canyon, along the milky-blue Gallatin River. There are many turn-outs, campgrounds, and picnic areas along the river, so take your time and enjoy the beauty of this special place.

The meandering highway takes you inside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park, and then back out again. These borders are well signed, so when you’re inside the border take care to respect the national park’s pet restrictions.

Gallatin Canyon - West Yellowstone, MT

As you ramble along, the snow-capped peaks of Big Sky Resort – the largest ski resort by acreage in the U.S – soon appear on the horizon. We love visiting ski towns in the off-season, and Big Sky is unlike any we’ve seen before! Covering nearly 5,800 acres it’s a massive venue. There are several hotels, shopping centers, and residential communities, all crowned by Lone Peak at 11,166 feet.

Gallatin Canyon - West Yellowstone, MT
Big Sky Resort - Big Sky, MT
Big Sky Resort - Big Sky, MT


To get the lay of the land, stop at the visitors center at the intersection of Hwys 191 and 64. Here you’ll find information on local businesses, maps of the area, and tips on dog friendly hiking trails.

After reviewing the options, our first stop was Big Sky Town Center. Ty and Buster enjoyed sniffing around the park, and their noses led right to the Blue Moon Bakery. With it’s dog friendly, covered outside seating area, pizzas, salads, and mouthwatering baked goods, it was a great find.

Big Sky Resort - Big Sky, MT
Big Sky Resort - Big Sky, MT

Once again, keep your eyes peeled for wildlife. We happened to see this bighorn sheep grazing just off the road as we drove by.

Big Sky Resort - Big Sky, MT


Day 5:  Pets in Yellowstone – Southern Half

Entering the park again at the west gate, our first stop the next day was Old Faithful. We arrived just after the geyser had erupted, so we had about 90 minutes to hang out.

Dogs aren’t allowed on the boardwalks around Old Faithful, so we walked Ty and Buster in the large parking area. Fortunately the weather was cloudy and cool, so after our walk the boys napped in the motorhome while we watched the geyser erupt.

Afterward, we spent some more time along the shore of Yellowstone Lake. Then we turned around and left the park through the south gate.


Pet Friendly Accommodations and Restaurants

The campgrounds in Yellowstone National Park and Gallatin National Forest are pet friendly. If you’re looking for more creature comforts, you’ll find pet friendly campgrounds with more amenities in Livingston, Bozeman and West Yellowstone.

There’s also a nice selection of pet friendly hotels in Bozeman and West Yellowstone.

Of course you’re going to need to eat! There are a number of pet friendly restaurants to choose from in Bozeman and West Yellowstone.

It’s easy to see that Yellowstone National Park could present a challenge for people traveling with pets. But the surrounding areas provide more than enough entertainment to keep any dog happy! So balance your time inside and outside the park, and the entire family will enjoy your trip.

Our next stop was Grand Teton, another national park that makes visiting with pets a bit tricky.

READ MORE ⇒  Discovering Dog Friendly Activities in Grand Teton National Park

Discovering Dog Friendly Activities Near Grand Teton National Park

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